Python summary: environments

We can use several environments for coding:


(1) Console

A console, also called e.g. command line or Python shell, where we write code directly in.


It is used for trying small code pieces, and becomes faster some things:

>>> var = "hello"
>>> var # Instead of print(var)

In other cases, are nedeed run a .py file:
from sys import argv

script = argv[0]
filename = argv[1]

print("Here is %r." % filename)
>>> python3 prettycats
Here is 'prettycats'.

For running the program, we must be in whose folder and later enter the console. But if we are within, we must add the location:

>>> python3 Desktop/ prettycats

Note 1: we run Python though python, python2 or python3. And we maybe must install an addon for doing that. Just try and look for.

Note 2: an important word is prompt, which is the triple greather-than symbol (>>>).

Note 3: similar consoles tho he Python console exist, such as bpython and IPython.

Note 4: try the next utilities in a console:

  • CTRL + L (clear)
  • Arrow up (first run something)
  • CTRL + C (stop)
  • Exit:
    • CTRL + D
    • quit()
    • exit()

Note 5: another, non-Python commands, are:

  • ls (view the content on a folder)
  • cd FolderName (enter folder)
  • cd .. (go back)
  • cd — (return to home)
  • mkdir FolderName (create a folder)
  • touch FileName.something (create a file)
  • clear

If you cannot use one in your OS, for example clear on Windows, keep looking for, either specific functionalities or a list of commands for your OS.


(2) Text editor

Basic something. I recommend Sublime Text 3, which supports amount of languages, has autocomplete and more utilities too.




(3) IDE

IDE (Integrated Development Enviromment) is a text editor but with much more functions for programmers. Free and know IDE’s are the official IDLE (you maybe must install, maybe not; try and look for) or PyCharm, for example.



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